Keep a tape measure close.
Experiment with making colored decals.
Writing about work can be harder than making work.
Get an SUV.
Putting work up takes longer than taking work down.
It is a success if I do what I set out to.
It is my job to make work and share it.
Always get smooth plywood.
Once work leaves my hands, it isn’t mine or about me anymore.
Epoxy is my friend.
The edges and holes in photo paper will be rough if the image is disturbed.
Experiment with making frames.
Placekeeping. Placekeeping. Placekeeping.
Measure by hand.
There is always more to learn, but it is crucial to stop and smell the roses too.
Descendants, 2023. Was on view at the Ann Arbor Art Center’s Aquarium Gallery June 25-July 16th, 2023. It was my first show.
My summer of residencies/workshops/fellowships begins tomorrow. First stop? Greece, where I’ll be working on that memoir I told y’all about. Second stop? Maine, for my first ceramics fellowship. Daily Notes will be back at both stops for paying folks.