The material is the language. We master it, but it masters us too.1
To Cape Town and everyone I met that side, thank you. We go again soon.
The practice is the portal. The practice is the portal. The practice is the portal.
more soon,
My workshop series that supports you in developing clarity around your creative practice + receiving resources and time away to create by going on artist residencies is now available for sign up! I'll be teaching 5 live sessions this May for $30 a session (Total of $150, payment plans are available. Sign up deadline is April 24th). If you're someone that wants to step into taking your practice seriously, this is for you. If you are an artist that wants support from a working writer and visual artist to write about your practice, this is for you. If you want a system for putting together application materials so you don’t have to scramble and stress every time you see a cool opportunity, this is for you. Sign up below and please share with folks you know who might be interested!
Other ways to engage with me + my work:
Instagram | Buy some work | Reach out to set up a Studio Visit
Other ways to support me + my work:
My Book Store | Commissions | Resource My Practice
Andile Dyalvane, during the Investec Art Fair Talks Program. Talk on: Themes of language and migration across media. February 17, 2024.