As I’m here in Richmond making vessels, I am thinking with a few ideas, books, scientific studies, geological processes, questions, thinkers, etc. So, because I’ve somehow gotten into a groove of writing to y’all every week, I thought I’d share who and what I’m thinking with as I effort toward making work while here on my artist residency with the Visual Arts Center in Richmond, VA.
In no particular order:
Weathering: The Extraordinary Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society by Dr. Arline T Geronimus
Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination by Robin D.G. Kelley
How poverty and racism 'weather' the body, accelerating aging and disease via NPR
Black monument matters: Place-based commemoration and abolitionist memory work by Alex A. Moulton
How the Soil Remembers Plantation Slavery by R.L. Martens and BII Robertson
Soil Science and what listening to the soil can tell us about our relationship with the land
The Shapes of Water
I’m here in Richmond on an artist residency with the Visual Arts Center of Richmond to build upon my current practice, think, rest, and explore new ways of working with ceramics using natural materials.2
As ever, prayers up to the kiln gods.
more soon,
thank you to Kristen for sharing a work in progress in our Hybrid Forms group which led Jessica to comment on the desire lines of water during our discussion of said work in progress. those five words “the desire lines of water” literally have not left my mind since.
I came to Richmond thinking I would make work related to one area of my practice and have ended up in a totally different place of said practice…but that is how the work goes. the clay also decides. Spirit also has its things to say and share. I make vessels, but I am a vessel too. I make vessels, but I am a vessel too.
I make vessels, but I am a vessel too.