Hello y’all,
I hope you are doing as well as you can be. There is always much going on and there is also much that will go on. I hope you are fortified within yourself and within community. I just wanted to drop by with a few updates.
Namely that the shape of NFATT is changing, but I haven’t quite caught up to what it wants to look like moving forward yet. I know I said in my last note that I would be in your inbox twice a month this year (hell I said I’d be in your inbox last week!), but I think my editions will be much more fluid than that. I simply cannot be tied down/am tied down with deadlines in a lot of other spaces (SCHOOL!!!) and so I need to free this one up/feel free somewhere. But also, much is shifting. I’m returning to my writing practice (and not just for discussion posts or essays for class), learning so much in/through coursework, deepening my art practice and just need some space to actually be in all of that living and working. None of this is to say that you won’t hear from me, it’s just to say that there might be four issues in one month and then zero the next. Since February 2023, I’ve shown up in your inbox most Wednesday’s as a practice in consistency, as a practice in showing up and sharing. This year, I’m practicing something different.
I don’t want to email you when I barely or simply do not have something to say. And the shapes of what I want to say and share are shifting. I’m also learning that my process of processing is long. I need and want to sit with myself, my mind, my ideas, my questions, my body, my hands, my practice for months really before I can make sense of what they are saying in ways that can be shared here and elsewhere. I’m also trying to figure out how I want to or can share my research and simply don’t have clarity on that yet.
All of this is to say that I’ll be around, but maybe not as often. Whether you’re a free or paid subscriber, thank you for your support of my practice no matter how frequently I do or do not email in this season.
In other news/updates:
The Shape of Water just came down. If you weren’t able to get to Richmond to see the show, I’ve put the exhibition video, gallery views, and other photos of the work on my website. One of the vessels from the show has been acquired, another is still available. Please be in touch if you’d like to discuss becoming a collector.
My residency with the Modern Ancient Brown Foundation (Detroit, MI) starts next month. I’m so excited about continuing to root my visual art, research, and creative practice in Michigan—the place where I am from and the place my family has called home for generations. This is going to be a very special spring.
Last but by no means least, I want to share some ways to support those impacted by the wildfires in LA. I’m sure you’ve seen these links already. I am sharing them again. We are all we’ve got.
That’s it from me for now, but I will be over at
once a month this year (except in April and October because those are my personal sabbatical months where I give myself some extra room). I’ll also still be teaching this summer and will share course + enrollment information when it’s available in the spring.And if you missed it, here are the best articles + books I read last semester. I’m trying to update both places in real time this semester as I’m reading, but we’ll see how that goes.
Okay, that’s all. Thanks for being here. ♥️
i love that you’re following your call to be more fluid here & show up when you feel like saying something - inherently that’s what the space is here for. and as a reader of yours, i usually caught your pieces at the right time & place anyways. ❤️